I know. It's been a loooong time since I posted anything. Since I'm sure I have no regular followers, I doubt anyone out there has been saddened by this, but I'm going to try and get back into it. Thing is, my dad passed away a bit suddenly last year in December and that got me off the blogging track for a while. So here we are, on the Day of the Dead, All Souls Day, Halloween. It seems like an oddly appropriate time to get started on talking about life again.
True to weighty times like these, I am worrying about the most important things, like my Halloween costume. Eek! What to be? What to be? This is the ongoing mantra of Halloween. And if you have a party or two to attend, the voice in your head telling you to come up with something really creative gets even louder!
My problem on Halloween is that I love to come up with really abstract costumes. Not only are these tough to conceive of on a yearly basis, but no one ever 'gets' them. When my husband and I were The Fandango Puppets last year, no one had a clue what we were, though at least they thought we looked pretty cute (we were even carrying paper bag puppets!).
Sometimes people get pretty close to figuring my costume out. The year I was an African Safari everyone thought I was a zoo, and the year I was the Great Barrier Reef everyone thought I was an aquarium. But being Autumn Leaves was just too much for most to figure out (I dressed up in black and sewed felt leaves in red, orange and yellow to my clothing). I dressed as Gum Stuck Under a Shoe and a Road before they were popular, and one year I was a Candy Cane.
The shaping of my adult Halloween years began very early. I blame it all on my middle sister. When I was a wee lass in elementary school she decided to dress me as a Pillow Person. That should pretty much tell you everything you need to know about my family and the desire to be creative.
When you're part of a couple, which I've become fairly recently, the whole costume game gets even worse, if that's possible. One costume is bad enough, but it's torture to come up with two!
This year I'm very, very tempted to be something 'normal,' like a punk rocker, a skeleton or a cat (no way will I be Cat Woman though, the clothes are too tight!). Heck, I even considered Sarah Palin but my hair is all wrong and I wouldn't want to leave the impression that I actually admired her. Besides, who wants to compete with Tina Fey?
However, my sense of the esoteric is already getting the best of me. I'm seriously considering being something like an Exit Poll or an Identity Crisis. Seems appropriate for the times.